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Hi! Kristina here.
I'm a SAHM that wanted nothing more than to take some of the financial burden off of my husband. Looked for different ways to make an income from home that never stuck. Until I came across some other fellow moms on Instagram taking about digital marketing and how they're able to make an income from home doing just that. After months of contemplating whether or not take a chance on this venture, I did.
Zero experience, skills, and knowledge until I took the course they offered. Learned all things digital marketing and applied them.
Digital marketing has changed my life and I want to help others achieve their goals! If a simple stay-at-home mom can learn the digital marketing skills and apply them to have financial freedom, so can you! Grab my free guide to find out how to start today and let me be apart of your journey.
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Kristina Surzhukov
A SAHM turned digital marketer with a passion for helping others reach their full potential.
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